Thursday, October 13, 2011


designer denim for less than retail
Working from home isn't easy. Its just like having a "real job" only much more efficient! If you are motivated and goal oriented, you can make a living. When it comes to the biz, I typically spend a couple of hours every morning emailing, and doing social media marketing. Then I am free to go about my day and do the things I want to do. I may get interrupted occasionally to take calls or answer emails, but still my time is my own! When I leave to do a show, it is a few hours with girlfriends. A welcome break for those who live in "Mommyland." I am not tied to the office anymore. My office is my phone and laptop. My retail store is my car. Its liberating!
VAULT DENIM is the NEXT BIG THING - click to find out!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Now booking events for the busy Holiday season! Enjoy stress free shopping in your own home or business. Guests browse over 140 pr of designer denim and try on what the like. Buy on the spot! Host a show and get credit in FREE denim! New pieces added every week! No two shows the same. See what the hottest trend in home shopping is all about. contact me today via email
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is a Jean Party? Why host a Jean Party?

Lets face it, no one likes hostess parties. You know, the ones where you promise a Direct Selling friend of yours that you will host a show for her, and you reluctantly agree. Then you pressure your family and friends to come to a party and buy overpriced goods from a catalog. You as the hostess, spend two days cleaning house, making snacks, and hoping people show up. Then after the party, you get about as much free product as the money you spent on entertaining not to mention the fact that you get to sort and deliver all the products you sold at the party. Sound fun?? I didn't think so!


yes, your butt CAN look this good!

For one, there is no pressure to clean or make a bunch of food. Women starve themselves for new why bother? Food at jean party should be kept very light. Alcohol however, only enhances the shopping experience..why do you think the TGIFriday's at the mall is ALWAYS packed? The food isn't any better than the food court, they sell drinks!
Second, your home does not need to be a showplace. Fill your living room with 150 pairs of jeans and no one ever notices if there is dust on the side tables or the floor needs swept.
Third, the whole guests sitting through a long winded sales pitch about how the product enhances your life doesn't exist. If you try on "The Jeans" you already know your life just got kicked up a notch. Perfect jeans need no description...
Catalogs? We don't have them. Take home what you love that day. Wear them out the door. We don't care. Instant gratification is our goal.

Lastly, Have you been to a party where the Hostess has to deliver the goods? Nope. My Hostess doesn't do anything except pick out 10% of party sales in FREE product. When the party is over, its over. All she has to do is think about how much fun she had getting together with women she doesn't get to see nearly often enough and enjoy her new FREE jeans! Now she has something to wear the next time she gets invited to one of those "other kind" of hostess parties. She will be known as the friend who had a fun GNO and not a hostess event! You did them a favor by allowing then to avoid a crowed mall, with kids in tow, only to get a poor selection, and high prices, and now they  LOVE you for it!:) Want to introduce your gals to the world of VAULT DENIM? contact us!  click to: BOOK A JEAN PARTY

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What am I doing here?

First of all, I never imagined I would be here. The last thing I ever imagined was starting a new business with 2 kids and a very busy life. And now a blog?! We are ALWAYS running. Always going. Practices, school, church, work, home, clean, shop, seems there is never a minute of solitude. How in the world would I ever add one more thing into the mix? After all, i do so many things, none of which I feel I do well. Then one day my husband said to me..."are you gonna buy some of those Vault Jeans.?" I had never heard of them. Apparently, he had a friend request from an old classmate who was selling the product. I took a look. "Jeans at home parties? Take home what you love that night? Just get together with my friends, have some drinks and look at authentic DESIGNER denim? No crowded malls, no bad lighting, no poor selection?! What is this I'm reading?!?!? 50% off RETAIL!? What do you mean its not all overpriced to cover the consultants commission?!!?" I could not conceive that a home based business could ever succeed with that as its concept...but at the same time I was more than intrigued. I contacted the rep. She was very friendly and after a few emails I was so sold on the concept that I signed up. I had never been to a party, never seen the product. Was I crazy? Probably, just ask my family, but sometimes it pays off, and boy has it already exceeded my expectations.

 After a evening webinar business overview, (Which I spent sitting at my home PC, dressed in PJ's and sipping a cocktail while thinking. "I could get used to going to meetings like this!" ) I decided to fork over the whopping 159 dollar fee to get started. That's right 159. I would have access to thousands of dollars in inventory and I don't pay a dime for it.Plus.... Free website, company email and tons of support. I even got 50% off my own pair of jeans that would have cost more than 159 at any store or boutique. If I couldn't book any parties I still had a great pair of jeans to wear to my next GNO.

Well, in just 2 weeks time and a few Facebook friend requests later. I had over 8 shows booked. My first week consisted of 3 shows, 2 more booking and a new Consultant signed up. Not to mention more money in 12 hours worth of partying per hour than I have ever made. Let me add I am not a sales person and I have another full time job. If  I can make this work, anyone can! My shows were easy and relaxed. Lay out the jeans, let people oooh and ahhh, tell them how hot they look (not a lie, these jeans are smokin) and collect the money. Pack up, go home, tuck kids in bed, dream of running a Denim Empire. Easy.

I'm sure there are ups and downs, just like any business and don't worry I will detail them here. I don't know how to sugarcoat it. I'm just me. That's always been my biggest blessing and my curse. 

Well, back to my lazy Sunday. See you soon. I think I could get used to this..

Here's how you do it..
